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What is Xeomin®?


A minute quantity of botulinum toxin (Botox or Xeomin) is injected to relax the muscles that cause frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crows feet. Botulinum toxin injections can also improve neck laxity, fine lip lines, and excessive sweating. Injection effects typically last 3-8 months. With injectable treatments, you are relying not only on our intimate knowledge of the physiology of the skin and underlying muscle structure, but also on aesthetic sense and ability to deliver an appropriate and natural result.

We offer Xeomin®, the latest botulinum toxin treatment approved for wrinkle reduction by the FDA. Specifically, Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA) was approved for moderate to severe glabellar lines (frown lines between the eyebrows) in adult patients.

Xeomin can effectively treat dynamic wrinkles:

  • Frown Lines

  • Forehead Creases

  • Crow’s Feet

Before & After (Slider)


*Individual results may vary. Unretouched photos of actual patient.


*Individual results may vary. Unretouched photos of actual patient.

The Ideal Xeomin Candidate

Both men and women, frustrated with creases along the forehead, the eyebrow, or the corners of the eyes, may find Xeomin to be extremely beneficial. The ideal candidate for treatment will be overall good health, understand the treatment process, and hold realistic expectations for their correction. Those who have a known allergy to Botox (Botulinum Toxin), or with an infection or muscle weakness at the injection site, should not use Xeomin.

The Xeomin Procedure

After the consultation appointment, and the targeted areas for correction have been determined, the Xeomin injections will be administered. Each session is performed in one of MedSpa California’s state-of-the-art treatment rooms. Xeomin is applied using a very small needle; the procedure takes less than 30 minutes from start to finish. While the procedure is not considered painful, patients do report a slight burn or pinch with each injection, although this sensation quickly fades. If needed, MedSpa California can increase your comfort level by providing a topical or local anesthetic prior to treatment.

Results from Xeomin

The results from a Xeomin treatment will not be immediately noticeable. It will take a few days for the first benefits to appear. After seven to ten days, the full results from Xeomin will be apparent. The deep, dynamic wrinkles will be eliminated, refreshing and softening your appearance. The beautiful results will last from three to four months, after which time a quick, repeat treatment can maintain this youthful look.

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