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What is an IPL Photofacial?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) Photofacial is a laser light treatment that targets pigment issues, such as dark or brown spots, age spots, and red spots, to name a few. The bright light passes through the epidermis, drawing out the dark spots and dispersing the uneven red pigment. IPL photofacial can be used on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back arms, legs and just about anywhere else. Photofacial is also an effective treatment for broken veins and spider veins. According to Stanford Medical University, the long-term effects of photofacial actually reverse the signs of aging.

A photofacial, or fotofacial, also known as photorejuvenation, is a treatment touted to reverse sun damage, even out facial color as well as improve tone and texture in the process. In other words, photofacial treatments reportedly:

  • tighten pores

  • reduce the severity of acne

  • reduce the appearance of or eliminate sun spots and freckles

  • lessen hyperpigmentation

  • treat skin flushing and skin redness

  • reduce the appearance of scars (acne, chickenpox, etc.)

  • reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • reverse sun damage

  • treat vascular lesions (broken capillaries, blood vessels, telangiectasia, rosacea)

  • improve facial contour

  • tighten skin

  • boost collagen and elastin production

Before & After (Slider)

*Individual results may vary. Unretouched photos of actual patient.

*Individual results may vary. Unretouched photos of actual patient.

During the IPL Photofacial appointment

Your aesthetician will thoroughly cleanse your skin, so you can either come with or without makeup. After the skin is clean, the aesthetician will apply a cool gel to your skin, which enhances the effect of the light waves. The aesthetician moves the laser over the skin in a grid-like pattern, flashing the light about every centimeter. Depending on your need, the aesthetician may go over the area multiple times.

Post IPL Photofacial treatment


After the treatment, the aesthetician will again clean the skin, removing the gel. You will likely be slightly red and puffy, but there is no major recourse or down time. You are free to reapply make up right away and return to your normal skin care routine. Be sure to stay out of the sun for at least the next week and be consistent in sun screen application.

Contraindications/ Risks/ Common concerns for IPL Photofacial

As with any aesthetic treatment, there are risks, however, this is why you should only trust an experienced and licensed aesthetician. Clients with melasma will experience a darkening in those areas and should not be treated. Those who have been on a strong antibiotic or Accutane should not receive treatment until six months after the last treatment.

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